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Handling HTTP requests

This document explains how FastchargeAPI handles requests and passes them to the destination endpoint.


FastchargeAPI is designed to be a transparent gateway that passes request headers. body, and query params to the destination unchanged.


However, a caveat is that since HTTP headers are case insensitive, your server must be able to handle HTTP headers case insensitively. FastchargeAPI gateway makes the best effort to keep the original case of the headers, but it is not always possible.

HTTP headers

HTTP headers included in the requests are passed to the destination. For example, if the endpoint is, and a request including custom headers is sent to this endpoint:

curl "" -X POST -H "X-Custom-Header: custom-header-content"

The X-Custom-Header is included in the request to the destination of this endpoint. This allows your server to read any headers in the request.

However, since HTTP headers are case insensitive, the header might appear in lowercases such as x-custom-header. Your server must be able to handle the cases insensitively.

Special HTTP headers

Request headers

  • Host - The Host header is always set to the domain of the destination.

  • x-fast-user - A unique identifer that helps identify API users.

  • Accept-Encoding - This is always set to identity.

Response headers

  • Content-Encoding - This is always set to identity.

HTTP body

HTTP body of the request to an endpoint is passed directly to the destination. For example, if the endpoint is, and a request is sent to this endpoint:

curl "" -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"username":"xyz","password":"xyz"}'

The request to the destination will contain the same body:


URL query

The URL query (content after ? in a URL) are passed to the destination, although the order the params may be different from the original requests.

A query key without value is treated the same as the key with an empty string.

For example, a request will pass ?a=1&a=2&b=3&c= to the destination.

curl ""